• Comprehensive Law Studies: Emphasis on Criminal and Sports Law

    2106370  |  Grades 10 - 12

    Criminal Justice Emphasis: Students learn that the American legal system is the foundation of American society. In order to function effectively, students examine those laws that have an impact on citizens’ lives with an introduction to the fundamentals of criminal justice procedures. The content will include, but not be limited to the following: need for law, basis for our legal system, criminal law, adult and juvenile courts, causes and consequences of crime, individual rights and responsibilities. Students examine the components and processes associated with the American legal system and are provided with a comprehensive examination of the criminal justice system. Study will also focus on historical antecedents for law, the reason for laws, and criminal law, social values and their impact on the establishment and interpretation of laws, comparison of adult and juvenile justice systems, the significance of the Bill of Rights to the American legal system, and the importance of the adversarial relationship in American jurisprudence. Students learn how sports have impacted our American legal system and the foundation of American society. Sports law encompasses a wide range of legal topics, including antitrust, civil rights, gender equity, labor, intellectual property/licensing, contracts, commercial law, business law, immigration law, property, torts, and criminal law. Students will learn of the United States Supreme Court decisions that have stitched both amateur and professional sports into the fabric of American society. The American fascination with sports makes sports law an excellent device for studying law. The study of law is a very valuable learning tool because it presents complex legal issues in fact-patterns that students generally find approachable and understandable.

    Court Procedures / Sociology 

    2106390 / 2108300  |  Grades 11-12

    Semester one studies the structure, processes and procedures of the judicial systems of the United States and Florida. Areas of study will include, but not be limited to, the structure, processes and procedures of county, circuit and federal courts, civil and criminal procedures, juvenile law, the rights of the accused, evolution of court procedures, comparative legal systems, and career choices in the judicial system.  Semester two focuses on the study of sociology. Students acquire an understanding of group interaction and its impact on individuals in order that they may have a greater awareness of the beliefs, values and behavior patterns of others. In an increasingly interdependent world, students need to recognize how group behavior affects both the individual and society. 

    Psychology 1 / Psychology 2

    2107300/10  |  Grade 10 - 12

    This class is an introductory course in psychology that gives the student a better understanding and appreciation of human behavior. In Psychology 1, students explore major theories and orientations of psychology, psychological methodology, memory and cognition, human growth and development, and personality. Additional topics include abnormal behavior, psychological therapies, stress and coping strategies and mental health. In Psychology II, students will cover the topics of psychobiology, sensation and perception, motivation and emotion, consciousness and learning. This course also explores intelligence and creativity, social psychology, and sociocultural influences.

    AP Human Geography*

    2103400  |  Grade 09 - 12

    The purpose of the AP Human Geography course is to develop an understanding of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, use, and alterations of our Earth. The course is to be focused on various units of study; i.e. culture, language, religion, politics, agriculture, etc. The goals of the course are to develop the understanding of factual knowledge and the analytical skills necessary to express that understanding through writing.

    Prerequisite: See Honors/AP eligibility requirements chart.

    AP or AICE Psychology*

    2107350/60  |  Grades 10 - 12

    Psychology is designed to enable students to develop a greater knowledge and understanding of psychological research, think independently, and make informed judgments on ethical issues and apply their knowledge to novel situations and current debates.  Students will be asked to analyze core studies with consideration of the following key concepts: nature versus nurture, ethics in psychological research, choice of psychological research methods, the idea that no single view in psychology is definitive, and the relevance of psychology in contemporary society.  Students will explore a variety of approaches and core studies.

    Prerequisite: See Honors/AP eligibility requirements chart.

    Speech 1

    1007300  |  Grades 09 - 12

    This course is designed to build student facility in understanding the components of speech and debate. For speeches, students will build an understanding in structuring various types of speeches, researching information, audience analysis, presentation of speeches and building self-confidence in public speaking situations. For debates, students will learn use of correct and effective language and organizational skills in preparing, delivering, and evaluating argument and debate.  Students will critique both speeches and debates, paying attention to content, organization, and language.

    Prerequisite: C or higher in a previous English course.

  • *Indicates a weighted course.