• NOTE: World language is a college preparatory course, which will require daily study/homework. Students must complete two years of the same world language to meet Florida Bright Futures requirements and to meet four-year university admission requirements.

    Spanish 1

    0708340  |  Grades 09 - 11

    Beginning skills in listening and speaking with special attention to pronunciation, introduction to reading and writing and fundamentals of grammar and culture. Native speaking students may be placed in a higher level Spanish course or Spanish Speakers 1.

    Prerequisites: Proficiency on most recent state reading assessment or an A or B in most recent Language Arts Class. Native speakers will be given an assessment test to determine placement.

    Spanish 2

    0708350  |  Grades 09 - 12

    Expansion of listening and oral skills previously acquired, primary objective of oral communication with additional emphasis on reading and writing, cultural survey of Spanish-speaking people.

    Prerequisites: Successful completion of Spanish 1.

    Spanish 3 Honors*

    0708360  |  Grades 09 - 12

    Expansion of vocabulary and conversational skills through discussions based on selected readings, analysis of reading selections to strengthen acquisition of grammatical concepts, stress on contemporary vocabulary.

    Prerequisites: Successful completion of Spanish 2 and meet Honors/AP requirements. See Honors/AP eligibility requirements chart.

    Advanced Placement Spanish Language*

    0708400  |  Grades 10 - 12

    Emphasis will be placed on speaking, reading, and writing fluently as related to the six AP Spanish themes. Students may be required to complete a summer assignment based on the six themes. Students will be expected to take the AP Spanish Language exam in May. This course will be demanding because it is a college-level class. Students will be required to complete research and create presentations based on the themes outside the class setting for classroom presentations.

    Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation and see Honors/AP eligibility requirements chart.

  • *Indicates a weighted course.