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Ballot Language
The Ballot Language for the November 5, 2024 General Election reads:
CONTINUED FUNDING FOR STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT THROUGH RENEWAL OF AD VALOREM MILLAGE ELECTIONShall the School Board of Manatee County continue the current 1 mill ad valorem millage from July 1, 2025, through June 30, 2029, for: school safety and security; recruiting and retaining teachers and staff; student achievement through more instructional time and supports; early literacy programs; career and technical education; STEM, visual and performing arts, athletics; and public charter schools; with oversight by an independent citizen committee to ensure proper use of funds?
YES, for continuation _____
NO, against continuation _____
General Election Dates
October 7 Voter Registration
Deadline for
General Election -
October 24
5pm Deadline to Request
"Vote by Mail" Ballot -
October 21 -
November 2 Early Voting Dates
8:30am to 6:30pm Daily -
November 5
7pm Deadline to Return
"Vote by Mail" Ballot -
General Election
November 5
Polls Open
Citizens Oversight & Transparency
Citizens Provide Oversight
Since Manatee County voters first approved the additional mill in 2018, a Citizens’ Financial Oversight Committee (CFOC) has overseen fiscal stewardship of accumulated funds. Annual CFOC reports, as well as meeting agendas, are available at
Community Access to Annual Data
Detailed information demonstrating the budgeting and allocation of funds for each school year of the additional mill is available for review at:
Cost to Homeowners
Millage is used to calculate local property taxes. One mill is worth $1 for every $1,000 of assessed value. For a home worth $400,000, one mill would equal $400 a year or $33 a month (less homestead exemption).