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2D Art (Studio Art)
Grade 6
On this course, students incorporate a wide range of media and techniques. I incorporate technique and historical relevance to the study of art. Additionally, students will look at art as a way to communicate ideas, advertise, and express feelings that otherwise could not be communicated verbally. Student artists create two-dimensional works, which may include drawing, painting, printmaking, and/or collage.
Studio Art 2
Grade 7
Students investigate a wide range of media and techniques, from both an historical and contemporary perspective, as they engage in the art-making process. Opportunities are provided for creative design decision-making in the context of the structural elements of art and the organizational principles of design.
Studio Art 3
Grade 8
Students extend to advanced level techniques used to create a variety of @D artworks through developing skills in drawing, painting, printmaking, and collage. Investigation into artworks from Western and non-Western cultures provides a means for students to expand their understanding and appreciation of the role of art in global culture.
Creative Photography I & II
Grade 7 and 8
Students explore the aesthetic foundations of art making using photography via digital media and/or traditional photography. Student photographers use a variety of media and materials. Students on these courses also work on the school yearbook.
About Mr. Corban
The arts have been part of my personal and professional life. I began as a Funeral Director and Embalmer specializing in reconstruction in the greater Chicago area. I went on to be an Art Therapist and was the clinical director of case management services for 27 years. I have taught at the college level for 14 years and after retirement I began to teach at the middle school level for the past 6 years.
Phone: 941-741-3344
Email: corbang@manateeschools.net
Classroom Expectations
The students enter a non-judgmental studio area where all their work is considered an effort in creativity and effort. The students provide verbal discussion about their works during the critique period.
Grading System
The grading system used is on percentages and weights of both art produced and exams given. The art renderings are graded on a rubric and the exams on percentage correct.
Classroom Supplies
9x12 sketchpad