District Hot Topics & Compliance
Security Screening at Schools Video
Beginning on August 12, 2024, students and visitors at all high school and random middle school campuses will be screened using a high-tech security scanner system.
School Board Seeks Civic-Minded Citizens to Join Audit Committee
The committee reviews the scope, plan and reports of the internal and external auditors, and reviews the collection and proper use of the funds raised through the one-half cent sales surtax for school capital outlay expenditures.
Notifications of Parental Rights in Education
Florida Statutes, Title XLIX, Chapter 1014, 1014.05 School district notifications on parental rights.
State-Mandated Curriculum (House Bill 545 Health Education)
Parents may access and review state-mandated instructional materials, and have a right to exempt their student from reproductive health education.
Florida Value Added Model (VAM) Fiscal Transparency Tool
The Florida Department of Education has released a web-based fiscal transparency tool intended to help taxpayers evaluate the financial efficiency of a school district with other similarly situated school districts.
Speaking to Children After a School Shooting
These resources may assist you in navigating difficult conversations with your children.