Mustangs Ahead School News
Sixth year in a row - LRHS an "A" school again
LRHS was rated an ‘A’ school for the sixth year in a row for their high achieving performance in the school year 2023 to 2024
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Mustangs finish fifth in nation at TSA webmaster event
LRHS Technology Student Association (TSA) ranked fifth in the nation in the Webmaster event at the annual national conference in Orlando.
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- Mustang seniors preparing for long, final stretch to graduation
- Auditions scheduled for spring musical
- Mustangs ready for college football playoffs to continue
- Mustangs convert Play-Doh into serious science
- Mustangs practice parenting skills in annual sock baby project
- Mustang seniors ready to enjoy privileges
- Boys basketball breaks losing streak
- Golden Herald applications now availalble
- LRHS events of the week - Jan. 6
- Wednesday means homerooms, start of spring semester