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PikMyKid Dismissal Program

PikMyKid Dismissal System

In our ongoing efforts to enhance your children’s safety, we use a dismissal system called PikMyKid. The unique features of PikMyKid allow you as the parent to be in complete control of your child’s dismissal. It makes things such as changing your child’s pick-up mode easy and allows us as a school a much safer, quicker, and more efficient dismissal process. Whether your child is a car rider, biker/walker, rides a bus or does an after-school program, they will be accounted for in PikMyKid.


How does it work?

Each parent can go on the website or download the application on their phone in order to change their child's dismissal.


Early Dismissal in PikMyKid

Should the need arise for your child to leave school early, please Dojo your child's teacher by 8:15am. This will expediate the process because your child may be in lunch, recess or fine arts. Requests for early dismissal can be made in advance or no later than 2pm that same day.  For your child's safety, we will not check out students past 2:30pm.