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LRHS rooms scheduled to get summer tech upgrade

Matthew Goldberg - Mustangs Ahead

promethean boared(LAKEWOOD RANCH, FL) - Promethean Interactive Panels, currently found in LRHS’s 800 building, are scheduled to be installed in every classroom on campus over summer break.

LRHS planned on installing them over spring break but decided to wait due to upcoming testing and to boost the efficiency of the tech staff installing them.

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According to LRHS Information Technology Specialist John Busch, "Our installers can work much quicker when we can stage the panels in the hallways and not have to work around students, teachers, bells, and planning periods. They can complete a classroom in nearly half the time when they don't have to work around anybody or anything.”

Current classroom televisions will be relocated around rooms to monitor the interactive panels via HDMI. helping all Mustangs see the boards, no matter where they are sitting.