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Manatee Technical College automotive program achieves highest ASE accreditation

Manatee Technical College (MTC) received notification that its Automotive Service Technology program has again achieved Master Automobile Service Technology Accreditation—the highest level of program accreditation recognized by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE).

To achieve this coveted recognition, ASE certified programs must go through an on-site evaluation process once every five years.

In a letter which provided the evaluation results, ASE Education Foundation president Michael Coley commended MTC’s program for maintaining the required standards and continuing to meet the industry requirements.

Coley wrote, “The explosion in automotive technology makes your high-quality automotive training program more valuable than ever.”

MTC Director Doug Wagner said, “During the past few months, we have worked closely with the ASE Education Foundation to make certain that our automotive training program would meet the strict industry standards to continue our long-standing ASE accreditation. At MTC, students are assured of a quality education, and auto dealerships and service facilities are assured of getting quality technicians.” 

The ASE Education Foundation is a non-profit, independent organization that evaluates and accredits qualified technician training programs per industry standards.

MTC’s automotive technician training program has held ASE accreditation since 1993. 

For more information about MTC's award-winning programs, please visit their website at