School News

District Top Stories

  • 400 Students
  • PreK-5th Arts & Music Program
  • 13:1 Student to Faculty Ratio

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Welcome to Palma Sola Elementary

  • Palma Sola Elementary School was established in 1961, and we serve approximately 450 students in Pre-K through 5th Grade.  Our school is nestled in a beautiful neighborhood in Northwest Bradenton, and we serve students from the surrounding areas. We offer speech, language, ESE, OT and PT services to students who qualify. In addition, we have a gifted program that serves students in Kindergarten through 5th grade.

    Our academic record is outstanding! For the last 20 years, we have been a top-rated school in the state of Florida! We have consistently scored above the state average on state assessments. We consider our school a community of learners, and our teachers are involved in ongoing professional development. To effectively apply what is learned, grade level teams plan collaboratively in order to share and grow new ideas that will best meet the needs of all students. 

    Palma Sola prides itself on being a family-friendly school. Throughout the year, we host fun family events - Family Movie Night, Fall Harvest Round Up, Science Night, etc. 

    We are working to make happy school memories for everyone!

  • Hello Palma Sola Panthers,

    My name is Jennie Grimes, and I am honored and privileged to have led Palma Sola Elementary for the last nine years. I am very excited to continue to get to know you and your children. Here is to another exciting year as a Palma Sola Panther! #pantherproud!

    This is my 33rd year with the School District of Manatee County. I started my career here in 1992. My first 12 years were at Orange Ridge-Bullock School, teaching third grade, and then I was the Reading Coach. My next seven years were at Freedom Elementary, where I was the Assistant Principal. I spent one year as the assistant Principal at Ballard Elementary and then spent 3 years as the Assistant Principal at Braden River Elementary. I began my journey here at Palma Sola in July of 2015.  I am a product of Manatee County schools; I attended Moody Elementary, Sugg Middle, and Manatee High School.  My educational background consists of a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from the University of Central Florida and my Master’s in Educational Leadership from Nova Southeastern University.

    My passion is to be at the forefront of your child’s journey to success. I enjoy seeing the love of learning on all the student’s faces, and I am thrilled to be part of that learning. I believe it is my job to support all the key players in our student’s education and to ensure all students have the chance to grow and be lifelong learners.

    My door is always open to you and I welcome any questions or concerns. I am looking forward to meeting you and getting to know your children. I am excited to lead Palma Sola students and will continue to maintain its legacy of preparing our students to be respectful, responsible, safe and prepared citizens.
    Jennie Grimes,