Register to Ride

  • School Bus

    Is your student planning on riding a school bus?
    To control bus capacities and keep our students safe, all students MUST register, and be assigned to a school bus, PRIOR to riding. Each student should be individually registered online.

    Students approved for Controlled Open Enrollment (COE) or Hardship are not eligible for school bus transportation, with the exception of Johnson K-8 (IB), Palmetto High (AICE), and Southeast High (IB). Transportation of students approved for COE to/from all other schools is the responsibility of the parent/guardian.

    Unregistered students waiting at a bus stop without a parent/guardian present, will be transported to school and turned over to an administrator. Unregistered students will not be transported home after school. Transportation home for unregistered students will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian.

    • Please complete a separate Register to Ride request for EACH student that will be riding a bus.
    • Eligible students will be assigned only ONE bus stop, determined by the address of the enrolling parent/guardian.
    • Students that are NOT riding a bus to school should NOT Register to Ride.
    • Students enrolled with Hardship are not eligible to ride a school bus, and should NOT Register to Ride.
    • Students living less than two miles from their school are not eligible to ride a school bus (unless the area has been determined to be hazardous based on Florida Statute 1006.23), and should NOT Register to Ride.

    Bus assignments are posted in FOCUS under the Transportation tab. Allow a minimum of 72 hours for new assignments to be posted. If you do not have a FOCUS account, please visit

    Please note:
    For students enrolled in specialized programs, transportation information including IEP or 504 (if applicable) must be received from the enrolled school prior to bus assignment.

    If you have questions, please contact the Transportation department.