School News

District Top Stories

  • 100+ Years of Tradition
  • 1 WOZ ED Careers Pathway School
  • 100% Literacy Focused
  • 2 Drone/TSA Clubs
  • K-5 Arts & Music Program

District Hot Topics & Compliance

Welcome to Ballard Elementary

  • Our Mission 
    We believe that all students are important and valuable. We believe that challenge does not break us, but is the foundation for our success We believe that our dreams and goals will be reached through hard work and effort. We believe that effort is the key to our success. We believe that all students will be successful everyday who work hard and try.

    Our Vision
    We will be a collaborative learning community of students, families, and staff aspiring to create leaders and positive role models who will serve as anchors for the global community of our future. We will empower all students to achieve their highest level of academic excellence and we will work cooperatively to establish a respectful and supportive learning environment.