Supply Lists 2024-2025
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Mrs. Smeralda
Mrs. Smeralda Kindergarten Supply List
Please place all supplies in a bag labeled with your child’s name, and bring these supplies with you to open house. Label items with an asterisk (*) with your child’s name.
Regular-sized backpack, no wheels (bring on the first day of school)*
Water bottle (bring on the first day of school)*
1 three-ring binder (1/2 inch) with clear plastic sleeve on the front cover*
2 plastic folders with 3 prongs, 2 pockets (1 blue, 1 green)*
1 three-ring zipper pencil pouch*
2 reams of white copy paper
1 ream of white cardstock
1 pack of “Pink Pearl” erasers (3 count)*
3 packs of Crayola crayons (24 count)*
2 packs of jumbo glue sticks (2 count)*
Play-Doh (any color, any amount)
1 package fine tip EXPO markers
1 PRIMARY composition notebook (blank white space at the top & large, dashed handwriting lines on bottom half of the page - not the standard-lined notebooks, please)*
1 bottom half of the page – not the standard-lined notebooks, please)*
2 boxes of tissues
1 pair of standard headphones (no Bluetooth or earbuds)*
$25 for supply supplementation (cash, check, or online payment)*Please send in a clean pair of uniform clothes, underwear, and socks in a labeled plastic bag as a back-up.
Boys Only:
1 container cleaning wipes (like Clorox)
1 roll of paper towels
1 box band-aidsGirls Only:
1 pack hand wipes/baby wipes
1 pack of smelly markers
1 box gallon ziplock bagsWish List
Classroom donations are never expected and always appreciated! If you would like to donate throughout the year, please scan the QR code with your phone’s camera to view our ongoing class wish list on Amazon.
Thank you for your help in getting our classroom ready. If you have any questions, email me at -
Mrs. Phillips
Mrs. Phillips' Kindergarten Supply List
Please label any items marked with * with your child’s first and last name. Bring your bag of supplies the first time we meet.
1 regular sized backpack, no wheels (bring on the first day of school)
1 plastic pencil box (see attached note) *
2 plastic folders with prongs and pockets (blue and yellow) *
1 white three-ring binder (1 inch) with clear plastic sleeve on the front *
1 black three-ring binder (1/2 inch) with clear plastic sleeve on the front *
12 glue sticks
1 package of Crayola large crayons (8 count) *
2 packs of Crayola Twistable crayons *
1 package of Crayola markers *
2 packages of clear page protectors
2 reams of white copy paper
1 box of tissues
1 pair of blunt scissors (Fiskars brand is a good one) *
1 package of EXPO markers (black only)
1 pencil pouch (zippered kind to be put in a binder) *
Play-Doh (any color, any amount)
1 Primary Journal Composition Book (blank white space at the top & handwriting lines on bottom of the page) *
1 pair of headphones (no earbuds) *
1 regular roll of paper towels
1 package of hand or baby wipes
$25.00 for supplemental materials (cash, online payment, or check payable to Harvey Elementary in an envelope with your child’s name)Boys Only:
Cleaning wipes (like Clorox)
1 box of sandwich sized Ziploc bags
1 box of pencils (Ticonderoga is a great brand)
1 box of band-aidsGirls Only:
1 bottle of hand sanitizer with a pump
1 box of gallon sized Ziploc bags
1 package of smelly markers
1 package of paper platesPlease send in a clean pair of uniform clothes in a plastic sack (labeled) as a “back up” in case your child needs a change of clothing. Please include a pair of socks and underwear.
Wish List Items
Classroom donations are never expected and always appreciated! If you would like to donate to our classroom throughout the year, please scan this QR code with your phone’s camera to view our ongoing class Amazon wish list.
Thank you for your help in getting our classroom ready.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at or visit our classroom website at
I’m looking forward to a “FiN-tastic” year! -
Mrs. Pescuma
Mrs. Pescuma's Kindergarten Supplies
Please label any items marked with* with your child's first and last name. Bring your bag of supplies labeled with your child's name the first time we meet.
Regular sized backpack (no wheels) Bring on the first day
Complete change of uniform clothes including socks and underwear (labeled in ziplock bag)
Reusable water bottle with lid (to bring daily, starting on the first day)
Headphones-NO earbuds, NO wireless*
1/2-inch binder with clear front cover pocket (black) *
1-pack clear page protectors (at least 25) (OPEN AND PLACE IN BINDER)
2-plastic folders with prongs and pockets (1-blue, 1-yellow)
Blunt tip Fiskars scissors (if your child is a lefty make sure you buy left-handed) *
Crayola washable watercolor paint set (16 color)
1 PRIMARY notebooks (please only purchase if it has the white space on the top of each page & handwriting lines on bottom of the page) *
1 (24) pack of Crayola twistable crayons (solid colors and NOT the "fun effects")
1-package of Crayola large crayons (8 count)
1 package of black expo markers (any amount)
Play-doh (any color, any amount)
Crayola Model Magic (any color, any amount)
12 Elmer's disappearing PURPLE glue sticks
3 reams of white copy paper
1 package of hand or baby wipes
1 regular roll of paper towels
$25.00 for supplemental materials (cash, on line payment, or check payable to Harvey Elementary in an envelope with your child's name)Boys only:
Cleaning wipes (like Clorox)
1 box of sandwich size ziplock bags
1 box of bandaids
1 box of Ticonderoga pencilsGirls only:
1 bottle of hand sanitizer with pump
1 package of smelly markers
1 package of paper plates
1 box of gallon size ziplock bagsWish List Items-these are never expected but always appreciated! If you would like to donate throughout the school year, please scan the QR code with your phone's camera to view our ongoing class wish list on Amazon.
Mrs. Naylor
Mrs. Naylor’s Kindergarten Supply List
Please place all supplies in a bag with your child’s name on it. Bring your bag of supplies the first time we meet.
1 regular sized backpack, no wheels (bring on first day of school)
1 plastic pencil box (see attached note)
2 plastic folders with prongs and pockets (blue and yellow)
1 white three ring binder (1 inch) with clear plastic sleeve on front
1 black three ring binder (1/2 inch) with clear plastic sleeve on front
12 glue sticks (Elmer’s disappearing purple glue)
1 packs of wet wipes (baby wipes)
2 packs of cleaning wipes (like Clorox)
1 package of pre-sharpened Ticonderoga pencils
3 package of Crayola crayons
3 package of Crayola markers
2 package of Crayola colored pencils
1 package of heavy duty clear page protectors (25 count)
2 reams of white copy paper
1 pencil pouch (zippered kind to be put in pronged folder or binder)
1 box of tissues
1 paper towel roll
1 pair of blunt scissors (Fiskars brand is a good one)
2 package of EXPO markers (black fine tip)
3 PRIMARY Mead Journal Composition Book (blank white space at the top & handwriting lines on the bottom of the page)
1 pair of labeled over the head headphones (no earbuds)
$25 for supply supplementation (cash, check, or online payment)BOYS ONLY
1 pack of Play doh
1 box of sandwich Ziploc bags
1 package of mini paper cupsGIRLS ONLY
1 pack heavy weight card stock (white)
1 package of gallon Ziploc bags
1 package of Styrofoam bowls -
Mrs. Maher
Mrs. Maher's Kindergarten Classroom Supply List
Regular sized backpack (no wheels - bring on first day)
Water bottle (labeled with name)
2 three-prong folders with pockets
1 three-prong folders with pockets
1 ream of regular white copy paper
1 box of tissues
1 fun pencil box
1 PRIMARY notebook (with white space on the top and handwriting lines on the bottom half of each page)
1 pack of Ticonderoga "My First" Big size pencils
1 pack of Ticonderoga regular size pencils
2 black Sharpie markers
1 ream of white card stock
12 large Elmer's Disappearing Purple glue sticks
1 bottle of white elmer's liquid school glue
1 container of Clorox wipes
1 package of baby wipes
1 pack of Crayola (10 count) thick tip markers
1 box gallon-size ziploc bags
1 pair of blunt scissors (Fiskars brand is a good one)
Regular size Play-Doh (any color, any amount)
1 package of black Expo markers
1 package of colored Expo markers
1 package of colored copy paper
Crayola watercolor paint
1 pack of Jumbo Crayola crayons
2 pack of Crayola twistable crayons
1 pair of headphones (no wireless, no ear buds)
1 can of shaving cream
$25 for supply supplementation (cash or check)Please send in a clean set of uniform clothes in a plastic baggie. (Labeled). Please also include a pair of socks and underwear.
Ms. Light
Ms. Light's Kindergarten Supply List
Please place all supplies in a bag labeled with your child’s name and bring the first time we meet!
Label these items with your child's name:
1 regular-sized backpack, no wheels (bring on the first day of school)
1 plastic pencil box (see attached note)
Complete change of uniform clothes including socks and underwear (labeled in Ziplock bag)
Reusable water bottle with a lid (try to bring daily, starting on the first day of school)
Headphones- NO earbuds, NO wireless
1 white three-inch binder (1-inch) with clear plastic sleeve on the front
1 black three-ring binder (1/2 inch) with clear plastic sleeve on the front
2 plastic folders with prongs and pockets (blue and yellow)
1 pair of blunt tip Fiskars scissors ( if your child is a lefty make sure to buy left-handed scissors)
Crayola washable paint set (16 colors)
1 Primary Journal Composition Book (Please only purchase if it has white space on the top of each page
and the handwriting lines on the bottom half of each page)
$25 for supplemental materials throughout the year (cash or check made payable to Harvey Elementary and is placed in an envelope with your child’s name on it).Classroom Supplies (please do not label as these supplies will be shared among the class)
1 (24) pack of Crayola Twistable crayons (solid colors and NOT the “fun effects”
1 package of Ticonderoga “My first” BIG size pencils
12 glue sticks
1 package of Crayola large crayons (8)
1 box of tissues
2 reams of copy paper
1 package of baby wipes
1 - cleaning wipes (Clorox or Lysol)
1 package of clear page protectors
1 package of Crayola markersBoys Only
1 box of sandwich-size Ziploc bags
1 box of bandaids
1 package of paper plates
1 package of Fine Tip Expo markers (black)Girls Only
1 box of gallon-sized Ziploc bags
1 bottle of hand sanitizer with a pump
1 regular roll of paper towels
Playdoh (regular size- any amount)Wish List Items
Wishlist items are never expected and always appreciated! If you would like to donate to our classroom throughout the year, please scan the QR code with your phone's camera to view the ongoing class Amazon Wishlist.
Thank you for your help in getting our classroom ready! If you have any questions, please scan the QR code to visit our classroom website to locate my contact information!
Please follow the directions below and bring your pencil box the first
time we meet!First, personalize the plastic pencil box with your (child’s) first name. Use a Sharpie permanent marker or even letter stickers.
*Be creative! The kids love and treasure these boxes all year!*
Then, add the pack of 8 large Crayola Crayons.
Next, place 2 sharpened pencils inside.
And then, write your (child’s) name on the handle of the scissors
and place those inside the pencil box.*Note, you may want to stick a little love note or wallet-sized
picture of your family for your child in their pencil box for their
first day! This can bring comfort and a big smile to your child
during the first few days of school! I promise to read any love
notes to your child :)Finally, close the pencil box, put it with the other supplies, and
bring it the first time we meet!I can’t wait to meet you so soon! We are going to have a wonderful
school year together! :)Parents,
I ask that you please don’t allow your child to add glue sticks (or any other
supplies) because we will be learning how to use them first before they go
inside the pencil box.
Thank you so much for your help!
-Ms. Light -
Mrs. Grant
Mrs. Grant's Kindergarten Supply List
Please place all supplies in a bag with your child’s name on it. Bring your bag with you the first time we meet. ☺
Regular size backpack, no wheels
1 ream of regular white copy paper
Play-doh (any amount)
1 bottle of hand sanitizer
12 glue sticks
2 packs of large black expo markers
1 pair of blunt scissors
2 packages of Ticonderoga pre-sharpened
1 pack of Crayola Washable markers
1 white 1’’ three ring binder with clear pocket
2 packs of 24 count Crayola crayons
1 pack of 8 jumbo Crayola crayons
1 PRIMARY notebook (blank on top of page with writing lines under)
$25 supplemental materials (cash, check, or online payment)
1 pair of headphones (no earbuds please)
1 watercolor paint set
1 pencil pouch with zipperPlease bring in a change of clothes, including socks and underwear in a labeled bag.
Girls Only
1 box gallon size baggies
1 box of tissues
Boys Only
1 box of sandwich baggies
1 pack lysol wipes
Below is the QR to our class wishlist on Amazon. Simply open the camera on your phone and it will take you to the website. Donations are never expected but always appreciated! ☺
Thank you for helping to get our classroom ready! If you have any questions, please Email me at
Visit our class website at: -
Mrs. Dressel
Mrs. Dressel's Kindergarten Supply List
Please place all supplies in a bag with your child’s name on it. Bring your bag of supplies with you the first time we meet. Please write your child’s first name on the items listed below with a star
1 regular sized backpack, no wheels (bring on the first day of school)*
1 zipper pencil pouch for a three ring binder*
1 plastic folder with prongs and pockets (any color)*
18-20 small glue sticks
1 pack of Ticonderoga sharpened pencils
1 package of large Crayola Crayons (8 count)*
2 packs of Crayola Crayons (24 count)
1 package of EXPO markers (black only)
2 reams of white copy paper
1 pair of blunt scissors (Fiskars brand is a good one)*
1 composition notebook (wide ruled)*
1 PRIMARY composition notebook (blank white space at the top & handwriting lines on the bottom of the page)*
3 boxes of tissues
Play-Doh (any amount/any color)
1-2 packs of baby wipes
1 pair of headphones (no ear buds)*
$25 for supply supplementation (cash, check, or online payment)GIRLS ONLY
1 Watercolor Paint set
2-3 rolls of paper towels
1 package of highlighters
1 box of sandwich bags
1 box of Bandaids
cleaning wipes (like Clorox)
1 box of gallon Ziploc bags
1 box of snack size bagsPlease send in a clean set of uniform clothes in a plastic sack (labeled) as a “back up” in case your child has an “accident.” Please include a pair of socks and underwear.
Wish List Items
Classroom donations are never expected and always appreciated! If you would like to donate to our classroom throughout the year, please scan this QR code with your phone's camera to view our ongoing Amazon wish list.
Thank you for your help in getting our classroom ready. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at
Mrs. Carpenter
Mrs. Carpenter's Kinder Supply List
Please place all supplies in a bag labeled with your child’s name and bring the first time we meet.
Label these items with your child’s name:
Regular sized backpack (no wheels) Bring on 1st day
Complete change of uniform clothes including socks and underwear (labeled in Ziplock bag)
Reusable water bottle with lid (to bring daily, starting on the 1st day)
Headphones- NO earbuds, NO Bluetooth
1-inch binder with clear front cover pocket (any color)
1-pack clear page protectors (at least 25) (OPEN AND PLACE IN BINDER)
2- Plastic folders with prongs and pockets (1-BLUE, 1-YELLOW)
Blunt tip Fiskars scissors (if your child is a lefty make sure you buy left-handed)
Crayola washable watercolor paint set (16 color)
1- PRIMARY notebooks (please only purchase if it has the white space on the top of each page
and the handwriting lines on the bottom half of each page)
$25 for supplemental materials (online payment, cash or check made payable to Harvey payable to Harvey Elementary and placed in envelope with your child’s name on it)Classroom Supplies (Please do not label as they will be shared):
2- package of Ticonderoga “My first” BIG size pencils
2- (24) pack of Crayola Crayons
1- (8) pack of LARGE Crayola Crayons
1- (10) pack of thick tip Crayola washable markers
12 or more Elmer’s disappearing PURPLE glue sticks
1- disinfecting cleaning wipes (Clorox or Lysol)
1 or 2 packs of WHITE card stock
1- reams of regular white printer paper
Class snack item (peanut free) for 20 kidsThank you for your help in getting our
classroom ready!
If you have any questions email me at
Check out our classroom website: Only:
Gallon size Ziploc bags
1 roll of paper towels
1 package of baby wipes
1 package of paper plates, any size
BIG bottle of hand sanitizer with pumpGirls Only:
1 pack of assorted FINE TIP Expo markers
1 box of tissues
1 package of flushable wipes
1 package of paper bowls
Play-doh (Regular size- ANY amount)Wish List Items:
Gift Cards to Dollar Tree, Amazon or
Gift bags (assorted pack 8”x10” with
Pack of COLORED printed paper
Disinfectant Cleaning spray
Febreze air freshener spray
Pack of SMELLY markers
Pack of assorted highlighters