• Daycare Options

    This list of Daycares in our community that provide transportation to and from BRE. This list is for information only and do not endorse any program except our own - EDEP Sparkler Care. 
    We recommend that you carefully select any daycare provider you might need.


    EDEP BRE Sparkler Care  - Braden River Elementary Campus  -  x57030


    Creative Child Learning Center  -  11520 Palmbrush Trail, Lakewood Ranch, 34202 – 727-9990

    Discovery Point  -   7218 55th Ave E, Bradenton, 34203  -  200-4250

    HWA Rang - 4520 SR 64 Bradenton, 34208 – 202-2306

    Kickin' It Karate & Fitness - 7323 52nd Pl E, Bradenton, 34203 – 755-6000

    Kiddie Academy  - 4225 Concept Court Lakewood Ranch, 34211 – 727-9072

    LaPetite Academy - 6919 53rd Ave E, Bradenton, 34203  -  753-2336

    Triumph Martial Arts - 5103 Lena Rd #107, Bradenton, 34211 – 727-2883

    Woodland Early Learning - 9607 E State Rd. 70, Bradenton, 34202 -  727-0809