PHS Yearbook

  • Grades 9-11 Picture Day-
    Tuesday, October 15th, 2024
    Grades 9-11 Retake Day-  Thursday,  November 14th, 2024 
    Pictures will be taken during English classes in the auditorium on both days. 
    Pictures can be ordered online via and the picture day ID will be communicated through Schoology and phone message ahead of time.
    Pictures and proofs will be distributed via English classes and notification of proof/picture distribution will be communicated through Schoology or phone message.
    Yearbooks- on sale from 08/01/24 until sold out on
          08/01/24-10/31/24- $70
               11/01/24-12/31/24- $75
               01/01/25-02/28/25- $80
               03/01/25- on- $85

  • To purchase your yearbook, senior ads, or business ads follow this link: 

    Visit to purchase yearbooks.

    The yearbook price starts at $70 and will increase to $75 on November 1st, $80 on January 1st, and $85 on March 1st. 
    Senior ads and business ads are due February 1, 2025. 
    E-mail with any questions.