PHS Clinic

  • Medical Emergencies or Illness
    • All students must have an updated Health Card in the clinic at the beginning of each school year with the most recent contact numbers in case there is a medical emergency. Please keep the clinic informed of any changes in health conditions, phone numbers or guardianship. IMMUNIZATIONS MUST BE UP-TO-DATE BEFORE THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL PER FLORIDA LAW.  
    • If you are contacted by the clinic to pick up your child from school due to illness/injury, please make arrangements for pick up within 30 minutes. School health rooms do not have the space or ability to retain sick and injured students for long periods of time. They also do not have the ability to care for students requiring immediate medical treatment. EMS will be called for all emergent needs.
    • Any student with a temperature of 100 degrees or above will be sent home and must be kept home until fever free without fever-reducing medications for 24 hours.
    • It is highly recommended that you notify the School Nurse of any newly diagnosed illnesses/injuries or new medications prescribed during the school year. This will assist the staff in medically assessing the condition of students when they come to the clinic during the school day.
    • Parents must provide their own crutches, wheelchairs or assistive devices needed at school. Please provide a copy of the doctor's order for use of the device on school grounds to be filed in the clinic.

    Medication Administration Guidelines
    • Medication given at school must have a Medication Authorization, Asthma Action Plan or Diabetic Medical Management Plan signed by a doctor and parent each school year. This includes over the counter meds.
    • Medications must be delivered, counted, and signed in/out by an adult over age 18. Never a student!
    • Only epi-pens, inhalers, diabetic supplies and pancreatic enzymes may be carried by the student if a Medication Authorization and Self-Carry Form (signed by doctor, parent & student) is on file with the clinic.

    Field Trips
    • All students attending a field trip must have a Health Card in the clinic for the school year.
    • Student medication held in the clinic for school use will be sent on all field trips. Teachers will be trained on medical conditions and how to dispense medications to be given during the trip.
    • Arrangements should be made with the School Nurse for any medications that need to be given on extended day/overnight field trips.

    Health Screenings
    • Students may be referred to the School Nurse by a staff member or parent for vision and hearing screenings. Results from these screenings will be sent home with the student.
    • Students failing 2 hearing screenings will be referred to the Speech Clinician for an Audiogram. The parent/guardian will be notified.

Medical Forms

  • For current medical forms and immunization requirements, please visit the District website School Health section.

  • PHS Clinic
    (941) 723-4848
    Fax (941) 723-4952

    Aracely Gomez, LPN
    (941) 723-4848 x34030

    Sandy Bembry, RN, BA
    (941) 723-4848 x34029