
  • Welcome to the MHS Guidance Department
    Your 2024-2025 Counselor assignments are:

    Students Last Names A - D 
    Jennifer Johnson
    (941) 714-7300 ext. 71927

    Students Last Names E - Li
    Joanne Chmielewski (Mrs. C)
    (941) 714-7300 ext. 71929

    Students Last Names Lj - Re
    Shirely Mitchell 
    (914) 714-7300, ext. 71931

    Students Last Names Rf - Z 
    Jodi Rivera
    (941) 714-7300 ext. 71932

    School Counselor Appointment Procedure For Students:
    Students may come to the Guidance office before school, after school, or during lunch to put in a request to see their school counselor.  Green request forms are located at the office aide desk in the Guidance area. Students must fill out the form completely. A list of teacher's names and room numbers is posted to help students complete the schedule section.