Emergency Contact List

  • Please be sure to list all possible adults that may need to pick up your child throughout this school year. There is no limit to the number of names that can be on the approved pickup list.

    It is important for parents to understand that children are easily confused by frequent changes in their routines. By being consistent in the method of transportation provided for your child, you will ensure a safe arrival home, and more importantly, your child will be more secure without the worry of how he or she will get home that day.

    Please know that we are vigilant about this policy.

    If an adult is not on the approved list, the student will not be permitted to leave with them. There will be no exceptions to this rule.

    A Student Information Change Form MUST be completed by the enrolling parent to submit any change of address or telephone number(s) so that our files can contain accurate and current information in case someone needs to be reached quickly in an emergency. All parents should have some telephone number(s) where they can be reached during the school day as well as emergency contact persons and their contact information.