• All students who are car riders should be picked up in the car line area at Nolan Middle School.  Please pull forward to the next available spot before your child gets into the car.  The end of the day and dismissal is at 4:10 PM.  

    Also, no parent should pick up their child in the staff and handicapped area unless they have a prior arranged special need by the Principal.  

    Please do not drop off or pick up in the bus area.  This area is for buses and students with special needs.

    McNeal Elementary is not a Nolan Middle School pickup area.  Please do not have your child walk from Nolan Middle School to McNeal Elementary's parking lot as this creates a safety issue.

    All walkers will exit out the front or the back of the building depending on their home location. They will then proceed to the sidewalk that heads east or the sidewalk in the back of the school that takes them to crossing guards.  Safety is a priority.   

    Bike riders will also follow the walker procedures after getting their bikes from the bike rack.