Your student will receive an Emergency Contact card the first week of school. Please fill this card out, sign it, and return it to school as soon as possible. In the event of an emergency every attempt will be made to contact you. Please register on your student's bio form all the names of family members or friends that you feel comfortable sending your student home with in the event that you can not be reached.
This form stays in the clinic. It is important that it is returned during the first week of school. If you are called to pick up your child from the clinic you must present your ID for the student to be released to you. Your student will not be released to a person not listed on the bio form. The person picking up the student from the clinic must be at least 18 years of age.
Please read document below regarding protocol for medications to be administered at school. The two exceptions are an Epi Pen and an Asthma Inhaler. These may be carried by students ONLY with the proper documentation by their Physician. No student may carry any medication on campus including cough drops. This is a county-wide policy.MEDICATION AUTHORIZATION FORM
The form is to be filled out by the student's Physician. It is necessary that each medication be filled out on a separate form. Prescription medication as well as over the counter medication must have the form filled out. The bottom of the form has a place for the Parent/guardian to date and sign. No medication will be given out at school unless the medication guidelines are followed.IMMUNIZATIONS
Please check with your child's physician, making certain that he/she is up to date with immunizations as required by Florida Statutes and Florida Administrative Codes for admittance in school. If you have concerns feel free to call the clinic.Florida Certification of Immunization
Students entering Middle School must be up to date on all immunizations as shown on the sample 680. These immunizations are mandatory for students to attend a Florida School. The immunization form is called a 680 and can be completed by the students physician or the health department.
Please visit for information on annual medical forms and immunization requirements.