Cambridge AICE Program at Bayshore High

  • Our school is an Cambridge International School, registered to offer education programs from Cambridge Assessment International Education, part of the University of Cambridge. We are proud to be part of the world’s largest international community of schools, preparing students for life with Cambridge qualifications that are valued by universities and employers around the world.

    The Cambridge Pathway gives students a clear path to educational success. We shape its curriculum around how our students learn – with a wide range of subjects and flexible ways to offer them. Our programs inspire students [or your child] to love learning, helping them discover new abilities and a wider world.

    If you are interested in the BHS AICE program or if you have any questions, please contact AICE coordinator Jessica Schaefer @ 941-751-7004 ext. 30010

    AICE Diploma Requirements



    For information about how AICE courses transfer as college credit, please read the Florida Articulation Coordinating Committee Credit-By-Examination Equivalencies Document by clicking here.


    1. What is AICE? 

    The Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) is an international diploma that students can earn via an advanced academic curriculum and assessment program written and administered by a non-profit department (CIE) of the University of Cambridge in England. AICE program courses and examinations may be offered during grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 in schools worldwide registered as CIE Centers. There is also a pre-AICE, or International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE), curriculum and assessment program available for grades 9 and 10 that prepares students for AICE courses.

    2. What are the benefits of AICE?

    AICE not only prepares students to get into a university with up to 45 hours of college credit, but it also provides them with the skills required to be successful once there. In addition to college credits students can also earn the maximum Florida Bright Futures Scholarship (100%) if they complete the AICE diploma and 100 hours of community service.

    3. What is meant by AICE Graduation Option?

    The Florida Legislature has determined the AICE Curriculum is a graduation option for students beginning with the graduating class of 2011. Students must remain AICE students in good standing and complete all of the AICE Curriculum requirements to utilize this option. Students failing to meet the curriculum requirements are subject to all standard graduation requirements.

    4. Does earning the AICE Diploma qualify students for the Florida Bright Futures tuition scholarship? 

    Yes, students who earn the AICE Diploma and complete 100 service hours during their high school careers automatically earn the Florida Bright Futures tuition scholarship (100%) regardless of grade point average or college entrance examination scores.

    5. What do I have to do to earn an AICE Diploma? 

    For 2018, graduates and later, students must pass six credits worth of examinations as well as pass a Global Perspectives Exam.  At least one examination must come from each of the three subject groups: Mathematics & Sciences, Languages, and Arts & Humanities. Advanced Subsidiary (AS) Level exams count for one credit.

    6. Do students have to earn the full AICE Diploma in order to earn college credits? 

    No. Students receive General Certificate of Education (GCE) subject certificates for AS Level examinations passed. Colleges award credit on a subject–by–subject basis according to grades earned on individual examinations passed. More information can be found on the Credit Equivalencies document from FLDOE.

    7. Do many universities give college credits for AS Level exams passed? 

    Yes. University of Cambridge International Examinations publishes a list on their website (go to click on the ‘Recognition’ tab and then scroll down to the ‘Useful documents’ section) of US universities that have provided written statements of their AICE (which includes the AS Level) recognition policy. If a university admissions counselor is unfamiliar with AICE, it is suggested you ask to speak to the international admissions counselor. By state law, all public universities and community colleges in Florida award college credit for AICE exams passed. Most of the state universities state in their admissions policy that they will take up to 45 credits.  

    8. Is AICE Comparable with IB and AP? 

    All three programs are well established in the education community and in universities around the country. AICE and IB are accepted at universities around the world. The main difference between AICE and IB is the flexibility of the AICE Diploma. Students have the freedom to create their own educational experience within the three AICE curriculum areas. We feel that AICE combines the best of both AP and IB in that students can pick and choose what courses they want but still earn an internationally recognized Diploma.

    9. How do AICE examination grades compare with the US grading scale?

    Passing grades available on AICE exams range from A to E with A being the highest.  Performance of students below the threshold of a grade of E receives a grade of U, ungraded, which is considered not passing.  A Department Of Education AICE program study found that a grade of E most closely correlated with an Advanced Placement exam grade of 3. 



    Click here for the Bayshore High School AICE Program Application