Technology Student AssociationThe Technology Student Association (TSA) is a national student organization where members are engaged in extra-curricular activities and competitions to develop STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) skills. Members also develop leadership skills while building confidence and enhancing personal development.
Chapter Certificate
Click here to see PCHS TSA Chapter Certification
- Open to any student enrolled at PCHS
- "C" average or better with no Ds or Fs
- Clean behavioral record with no level 2 or 3 referrals or suspensions.
Membership, Fees, and Expenses
- Click here for the membership application! or scan this code:
- The cost to join PCHS TSA is $50.00. This covers a t-shirt, state affiliation, national affiliation, and basic supplies needed to start competing. Only members who are listed on the national TSA roster are eligible to compete at any of the conferences.
- There are additional costs for travel expenses to attend conferences and competitions based on the location and length of stay. The costs cover registration fees, round-trip bus travel, and lodging.
- Students will need additional money for food and official TSA attire.
Meetings and Open Lab Hours
- TSA members meet once a week after school to work on individual and team competitive events and activities, as well as learning the rules and constitution of the organization.
- Members should attend all informational meetings. Students will be made aware of important meetings through the morning announcements, website, advisors, and Remind.
- Members are not required to participate in all open lab hours, members working on individual events may work on them at home.
- Additional lab days/hours may be made available as needed.
- TSA members often travel to competitions and stay overnight.
Virtual Meetings
Members can join the weekly meetings using the Microsoft Teams meeting link on the Schoology PCHS TSA Group page (Access code will be provided upon registration)
- Students will be made aware of important meetings through the morning announcements, website, advisors, and Remind.
- All members should join our PCHS TSA Remind Group in order to get announcements. To sign up for PCHS TSA notifications, go to https://www.remind.com/join/tsapchs or use the Remind App code: @tsapchs.
Conferences and Competitions
- There are four events throughout the year. There is a Leadership conference in the fall for students interested in becoming an officer, a one-day local district competition in the Winter, the main state competition in Spring, and the national competition in the summer.
- Conferences are optional unless a student wants to become a chapter officer.
- Although the goal is for students to complete projects to enter in the TSA State Competition, members are not required to attend competitive events to be a part of TSA.
- Members should decide early in the year if they will be attending competitions.
- Please click here for TSA High School Competition Info.
- Due to the financial obligations included in TSA, we will try to have fundraisers throughout the year to help offset travel costs.
- Students will be able to participate in fundraisers to help defer the cost of attending conferences.
- If a student participates in a fundraiser, but does not attend any conferences, the money will go into the TSA general fund.
Adriana Hernandez Gore. MSIE, MSEM
Math and Engineering Teacher.
(941) 803-9330 X 72601, 72626
hernandezgorea@manateeschools.netRoxane Hendren,
Gifted Resource Teacher
(941) 803-9330 X 72521
High School Themes and Problems
https://tsaweb.org/competitions-programs/tsa/themes-problemsFlorida TSA Website
http://floridatsa.com/National TSA Website
https://tsaweb.org/Official TSA Store (TSA Attire)