• Yearbooks on Sale!

    Be sure to reserve your copy of the Parrish Community High School yearbook before we sell out! Pay by credit card and order online for $75.

    www.yearbookordercenter.com and use order number 21334.

    Yearbook is looking for your photos!

    Yearbook is looking for pictures of any events and activities taking place off or on campus! For example, are you an online student who wants to share what your day looks like virtually? Did you take a great photo of you and your friends dressed up for spirit day, and want it to be in the yearbook? Are you a parent who took an amazing action shot at your daughter or son’s last game? We want all your photos!

    We want to be able to represent every student at PCHS so please send us your pictures!

    Please provide the FIRST AND LAST NAME of the people or person in the picture, as well as a grade and description. We cannot use photos if we can’t identify the people in them! Also, please provide your contact information, in case we have any questions about the photo.

    Visit  www.hjeshare.com and use the code PCHSSHARE (all caps) to send us your photos to be featured in the yearbook!

    Dedications and Business Advertisements

    Limited space available. All ads will be in full color! These may also be purchased online with the yearbook using a credit card. You may upload and submit any pictures you want as well as type any message to leave for your student online.

    $250 Full page
    $125 Half page
    $  75 Quarter page
    $  50 Eighth page

    Your support of the Parrish Community High School and its yearbook program is appreciated!

    For questions, email the yearbook advisor – patalanoh@manateeschools.net