5th - Back to School Night
12th- First Day of School
22nd - Kona Ice
22nd - SAC/PTO Meeting 6pm
2nd – No School
19th - SAC Meeting 6pm
20th - Family Bingo 6:30 - 8pm
24th - Fall Pictures
26th - PTO Meeting 2pm
27th - Carousels
9th - Donuts with Dad 7:15 - 8:15am
14th - No School
15 - 18th - Book Fair
25th - Halloween Event
29th - SAC & PTO Meeting 6pm
31st - Kona Ice
6th - Early release
11th - No school
14th - Class pictures
15th- Fun Run
21st - SAC/PTO Meeting 6pm
22nd - Carousels
25 - 29th - Thanksgiving break
12th - Kona Ice
11 - 13th - Santa Shop
16 - 19th - Holiday Gram Sales
23rd - Jan. 6th - Winter Break
Future Fund PTO Payment Link
Our PTO utilizes FutureFund website for payments. Please visit the link to pay for PTO events/items.
Freedom Falcons PTO
Join our PTO Facebook page for information about what is happening around the school.