Course Registration 24-25
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Algebra 1A
1200370 | Grade 09
This course is the first half of a two-year Algebra 1 program. Fundamental concepts of Algebra will be presented at a more gradual pace than in a traditional Algebra 1 course. The fundamental purpose of this course is to formalize and extend the mathematics that students learned in the middle grades. The primary focus of Algebra 1A will be on deepening the understanding of the relationships between quantities, and reasoning with equations, as well as linear and exponential relationships. Successful completion of both Algebra 1A and Algebra 1B will satisfy the Algebra 1 graduation requirement and students will take the Algebra 1 EOC at the conclusion of Algebra 1B, which will count for 30% of their grade.
Prerequisite: Placement is based on academic history and test scores.
Algebra 1B
1200380 | Grade 10
This course is the second half of a two-year Algebra 1 program. The primary focus of this course will be on descriptive statistics, expressions and equations, and quadratic functions and modeling. Successful completion of both Algebra 1A and Algebra 1B will satisfy the Algebra1 graduation requirement and students will take the Algebra 1 /EOC at the conclusion of Algebra 1B, which will count for 30% of their grade.
Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra 1A
Algebra 1
1200310 | Grade 09
The fundamental purpose of this course is to formalize and extend the mathematics that students learned in the middle grades. The critical areas, called units, deepen and extend understanding of linear and exponential relationships by contrasting them with each other and by applying linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend, and students engage in methods for analyzing, solving, and using quadratic functions. The Standards for Mathematical Practice apply throughout each course, and, together with the content standards, prescribe that students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that makes use of their ability to make sense of problem situations. Students will take the Algebra 1 EOC at the conclusion of Algebra 1, which will count for 30% of their grade.
Prerequisite: Placement is based on academic history and test scores.
Math for Data & Financial Literacy
1200384 | Grades 09 - 11
In Mathematics for Data and Financial Literacy, instructional time will emphasize: Continued foundational knowledge of ratios, proportions and functions to data and financial contexts; developing understanding of basic economic and accounting principles; developing an understanding of credit accounts and short- and long-term loans; developing understanding of planning for the future through investments, insurance and retirement plans; understanding the use of data analysis to create and evaluate reports and to make predictions.
Prerequisite: Placement is based on academic history and test scores.
1206310 | Grades 09 - 12
Emphasis on critical thinking involving the discovery of relationships and their proofs and skill in applying deductive method to mathematical situations, logic and reasoning, Euclidean Geometry study of lines, planes, angles, triangles, similarity, congruence, geometric inequalities, polygons and circles, area, volume, and constructions.
Prerequisite: Placement is based on academic history and test scores.
Geometry Honors*
1206320 | Grades 09 - 10
In-depth study of Geometry with emphasis on the formal language of mathematics: structure of geometry, shape properties, angle concepts, triangles, quadrilaterals, proofs, perpendicularity, and parallelism in a plane and in space, similar polygons, circles and spheres, constructions, area and volume, coordinate geometry, topology, and transformational geometry.
Prerequisite: See Honors/AP eligibility requirements chart.
Math for College Liberal Arts
1207350 | Grade 10 - 12
In Mathematics for College Liberal Arts, instructional time will emphasize five areas: (1) analyzing and applying linear and exponential functions within a real-world context; (2) utilizing geometric concepts to solve real-world problems; (3) extending understanding of probability theory; (4) representing and interpreting univariate and bivariate data and (5) developing understanding of logic and set theory. Students should have already completed Geometry.
Prerequisite: Placement is based on teacher recommendation and academic history.
Algebra 2
1200330 | Grades 09 - 12
Continuing study of the structure of Algebra and foundation of application of these skills to other mathematical and scientific fields, review and extension of structure and properties of real number system, relations, functions and graphs, polynomials and rational expressions, quadratic equations and inequalities, polynomial functions, rational and irrational exponents, logarithms, complex numbers, application problems in most areas.
Prerequisite: Placement is based on teacher recommendation and academic history.
Algebra 2 Honors*
1200340 | Grades 09 - 11
Algebraic structure, first-degree equations in one and two variables solved algebraically and graphically, systems of equations and inequalities, functions and relations, polynomials and rational expressions, exponents and radicals, logarithms, complex numbers, conic sections, polynomial equations, sequences and series, permutations, combinations and probability, matrices (all as an in-depth study with emphasis on theory, proof, and development of formulas, as well as their application).
Prerequisite: See Honors/AP eligibility requirements chart.
Math for College Algebra
1200710 | Grades 10 - 12
In Mathematics for College Algebra, instructional time will emphasize five areas: (1) developing fluency with the Laws of Exponents with numerical and algebraic expressions; (2) extending arithmetic operations with algebraic expressions to include rational and polynomial expressions; (3) solving one-variable exponential, logarithmic, radical and rational equations and interpreting the viability of solutions in real-world contexts; (4) modeling with and applying linear, quadratic, absolute value, exponential, logarithmic and piecewise functions, and systems of linear equations and inequalities; (5) extending knowledge of functions to include inverse and composition.
Prerequisite: Placement is based on teacher recommendation and academic history.
Probability and Statistics with Applications Honors*
1210300 | Grades 10 - 12
In Probability and Statistics Honors, instructional time will emphasize four areas: (1) creating and interpreting data displays for univariate and bivariate categorical and numerical data; (2) comparing and making observations about populations using statistical data, including confidence intervals and hypothesis testing; (3) extending understanding of probability and probability distributions and (4)developing an understanding of methods for collecting statistical data, including randomized trials.
Prerequisite: Placement is based on teacher recommendation and academic history.
Advanced Placement Pre-Calculus*
1202305 | Grades 10 - 12
In AP Pre-Calculus, students explore everyday situations and phenomena using mathematical tools and lenses. Through regular practice, students build deep mastery of modeling and functions, and they examine scenarios through multiple representations. They will learn how to observe, explore, and build mathematical meaning from dynamic systems, an important practice for thriving in an ever-changing world. AP Precalculus prepares students for other college-level mathematics and science courses. The framework delineates content and skills common to college precalculus courses that are foundational for careers in mathematics, physics, biology, health science, social science, and data science.
Prerequisite: See Honors/AP eligibility requirements chart.
DE Intermediate Algebra / Introductory Statistics 1
MAT1033 / STA2023 | Grades 10 - 12
MAT1033 - This course provides students with an opportunity to develop algebraic knowledge needed for further study in several fields, such as engineering, business, science, computer technology, and mathematics.
STA2023 - Descriptive and Inferential Statistics; Principles of Probability Theory, Discrete and Continuous Probability Distributions: Binomial Probability Distribution, Poisson Probability Distribution, Uniform Probability Distribution, Normal Dist and more. Prerequisite: C or better in MAT1033.
Prerequisite: Must satisfy all current Dual Enrollment admission requirements including test scores and GPA by the posted deadline.
DE College Algebra / Pre-Calculus Algebra & Trigonometry*
MAC1105 / MAC1147 | Grades 10 - 12
College Algebra will be paired with Pre-Calculus second semester, which is also a Dual Enrollment course. College Algebra is a rigorous introduction to the math concepts necessary for successful study of pre-calculus and trigonometry. This course is primarily a conceptual study of functions and graphs, their applications and of systems of equations and inequalities. Linear, quadratic, rational, absolute value, radical, exponential and logarithmic functions will be investigated. The use of a graphing calculator is integrated throughout the course. The second semester includes the study of algebraic, rational, polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions and equations and graphing of conic sections.
Prerequisite: Must satisfy all current Dual Enrollment admission requirements including test scores and GPA by the posted deadline.
AP Calculus AB*
1202310 | Grades 11 - 12
Properties and derivatives of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions, the concept of limits to functions, derivatives of the inverse of a function, relationships between differentiability and continuity, application of derivatives to find the slope of a curve and tangent and normal lines to a curve, increasing and decreasing functions, relative and absolute maximum and minimum points, concavity and points of inflection, finding anti derivatives and applying them to solve problems related to motion of bodies, techniques of integration, finding approximation to definite integrals using rectangles, finding the area between curves and the volume of a solid of revolution.
Prerequisite: See Honors/AP eligibility requirements chart.
*Indicates a weighted course.