• Welcome to the 2024-25 PCHS Curriculum Guide!

    This year's curriculum guide is entirely online and is divided into the following sections:

    1. General Info
    2. Core Course Descriptions
    3. Elective Descriptions
    4. Applications for Everything

    Use the navigation menu on the left to find out about the courses you're interested in taking next year!

Important Bookmarks

General Info


    Registration Guidelines

    1. View the curriculum guide and discuss course selections with your parents or guardians.
    2. Write down any questions you have for your teachers and counselor.
    3. Study the courses in the Curriculum Guide and review possible choices with your teachers.
    4. Complete the top portion of your Request Form with your proper name and phone number.
    5. Select your courses in subject area and elective sections. Pay close attention to course requirements outlined in the curriculum guide.
    6. If you do not meet the prerequisite for the core class(es) in which you would like to enroll, you may complete an academic appeal form. If you are then placed in the class, you must remain in that class for its duration, regardless of the grade earned.
    7. Clearly indicate your elective choices by ranking them in priority order. Every effort is made to give you your top choices. However, if there is a scheduling conflict, alternate course selections must be made. If you do not choose alternate courses, one or more will be selected for you and will not be changed at a later date.
    8. Ensure that you sign your Request Form. Take a picture of your form for your records.
    9. Turn in your completed Request Form on or before the deadline to the designated person at school.

    Course Cancellation

    Parrish Community High School reserves the right to drop any course due to insufficient enrollment or lack of institutional materials and/or teacher certification.

    Change of Schedule

    The registration process and the development of student schedules takes place in the spring, at which time faculty and staff advise students. The process includes input from students, parents, teachers, counselors and administrators. The school’s master schedule is built, and new staff are hired based on registration requests.  Students are expected to honor their commitments and to attend and complete the courses for which they register during the registration period. Schedule change requests will only be considered for the following reasons:

    1. The student has already earned credit for the course.
    2. The student has failed to meet the prerequisite for the course.
    3. The student is scheduled for too many or not enough courses.
    4. There was a clerical error.
    5. District directive regarding course progression.

    Leveling classes to meet class size amendment may occur during the year.

    Grading Scale

    The following is the current grading system for Manatee County Schools for grades 9-12:

    Manatee County Grading Scale
    Letter   Numerical  Quality Points
     A  90-100  4
     B 80-89  3
     C 70-79   2
     D 60-69   1
     F 0-59  0

    Students receive both a letter grade and a numerical percentage for each nine-week grading period, for the semester examination, and for the final semester grade. The final semester grade is the only grade that will appear on the transcript. Report cards will be electronically distributed four times each school year (at the end of each nine-week grading period). Progress reports will be electronically distributed at the mid-point of each grading period. Parents may access grades through FOCUS.

    Weighted Courses

    Classes designated as Honors/Advanced Pathways, Advanced Placement and certain Dual Enrollment courses will receive weighted grades according to the following grading scale:

    Weighted Courses
    Letter  AP /DE
    Quality Points
    Quality Points 
     A  5  4.5
     B  4  3.5
     C  3  2.5
     D  2  1.5

    When evaluating student’s transcripts for admissions, most colleges and universities recalculate a student’s GPA using ONLY grades from English, Math, Science, Social Studies and Foreign Languages. Additionally, the weight given to Honors, AP, and Dual Enrollment courses may be different than the weight the School District of Manatee County uses in calculating GPAs.

    Dual Enrollment

    PCHS offers dual enrollment options through State College of Florida (SCF), the University of South Florida (USF), and Manatee Technical College (MTC).  Please follow the links for more information.  Click to learn more about all of our Dual Enrollment options!

    Educational Fees

    In some courses, there may be occasional requests for fees to provide educational enhancement. No student shall be denied the opportunity to participate fully in these classes because of an inability to pay. In such circumstances, please notify the teacher.

    Enhanced Instruction for Non-Proficient Students

    Students must earn a Level 3 or higher in reading and/or math on a standardized assessment within the last 2 or more consecutive years. Students who do not meet these criteria may be required to receive enhanced instruction through a course that will assist in building the student’s skills and in mastering standards.

    Graduation Requirements, Standard Diploma, and Accelerated Options

    In order to earn a standard diploma in Manatee County, a student must meet specific academic requirements that are set forth by the State of Florida. Please visit https://www.fldoe.org/schools/k-12-public-schools/sss/graduation-requirements/ for details.

    Physical Education Waiver Options

    A student can waive the PE requirement in one of two ways:

    1. Participate in two seasons of an interscholastic sport at the Junior Varsity or Varsity level.
    2. Complete two years in a Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) course. This waives the full credit in PE and the full credit in a Fine/Performing Art.

    Students must request a PE waiver from their school counselor and must get signatures from the appropriate individuals before the PE waiver is added to the transcript.

    Florida Virtual School (FLVS)

    Students have the opportunity to earn credit each school year through Florida Virtual School. Students should be self-motivated and task-oriented to successfully complete the coursework. Visit the website at www.flvs.net for course and enrollment information.
    Once the student creates an FLVS account and requests a course, approval from the high school counselor is required to complete the registration process.

    Manatee Virtual School (MVS)

    Manatee Virtual School is available for full-time K-12 students who attend a Manatee County school. MVS is a franchise of the Florida Virtual School and utilizes the FLVS curriculum with Manatee County teachers trained to instruct and monitor the virtual courses. MVS can be used for credit recovery, acceleration, and / or scheduling conflicts. For more detailed information, please visit the MVS website at https://www.manateeschools.net/MVS.

    National College Athletic Association (NCAA)

    The initial eligibility standards for the college-bound student athlete are different from general graduation requirements and can be significantly tougher. Please refer to https://www.ncaa.org/ for more information or contact the Athletic Director if you are considering playing athletics at the collegiate level.

    Bright Futures Scholarship Program

    The Florida Bright Futures Scholarship program consists of three scholarships funded through lottery dollars and awarded to eligible Florida high school graduates planning to continue their education at any eligible Florida post-secondary institution. Current eligibility requirements can be found on page 9 & 10. For the most current information on the program, visit the Bright Futures website at: https://www.floridabrightfutures.gov/

    Florida Shines

    Florida Shines provides a variety of online services for students from Florida’s public high schools, colleges, and universities. Florida Shines’ academic advising services make it easy for high school students to prepare for college or a career after graduation. Students can monitor their progress by running evaluations against their transcript information and the requirements for high school graduation and Bright Futures Scholarships. In addition, they can explore Florida’s college and university offerings (both traditional and distance learning programs), learn about financial aid, and apply for admission. Dual enrolled high school students and those in accelerated education programs can access the website floridashines.org.

    Summer Assignments

    Most Advanced Placement (AP) courses require a summer assignment. Students can locate this information on the PCHS website after June 1st. If you have any questions, please contact administration at any point during the summer.

    State Assessments for High School Graduation

    Assessment requirements are subject to change pending state legislation.  Visit the Florida Department of Education website for the most up-to-date information.

    Florida Civics Literacy Exam (FCLE)

    Beginning with the 2021-2022 school year, students taking United States Government are required to take the assessment of civic literacy identified by the State Board of Education pursuant to s. 1007.25(5). Students earning a passing score on the assessment are exempt from the post secondary civic literacy assessment required by s. 1007.25(5).

    SAT and ACT

    Information, including test dates, registration deadlines, and test fees for both the SAT and ACT is available online.

    Click this link for the SAT. 

    Click this link for the ACT. 


    Every October, the PSAT test is offered, and all 9-11 grade students are encouraged to participate. There may be a fee associated with the test, depending on the grade level of the student. Students who wish to be eligible for the National Merit Scholarship must take the PSAT in 11th grade.


    The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a multiple-aptitude battery that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military. It is administered annually, usually in December or January.