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Senior Meeting 9/23
Sponsors: Ms. Dietz and Ms. Springer
Senior Website
Located on PCHS website. Click "Seniors" in blue menu bar across the top.
Facebook PCHS Class of 2025
Parents and students may join.
Class of 2025 Schoology Page
Group -> Join Group -> 3PF7-B95Q-P4MSG
Posts from guidance, college and career advisor
Herff Jones
Cap and Gown - You do not need to order yourself. We order from here! Herff Jones needs your height and weight, so we can begin ordering your cap and gown. Give your actual height... do not worry about heels.
Senior Shop
September 23 - October 07
Short sleeve, long sleeve, hoodies, hats, backpacks, cups
Collection of $enior Fee$
$125 if paid by 10/31
$145 if paid between 11/1 and 1/17
$165 if paid after 1/18- Includes Cap and Gown, and all graduation expenses as well as various activities throughout the school year
- We will be collecting through RevTrak.
- Pay periods will be 3 times this year
- You get a discount for paying early!
- DUE by end of 3rd quarter
- You cannot walk at graduation until you have paid your senior fee and ALL DEBT, including cafeteria, textbooks, IDs, etc!
College and Career Advisor
Ms. Hedgepeth
- Yearbook photo
- Cady studios only for yearbook
- $29 sitting fee
- Two dates on campus or visit Tampa studio
- Must be done by 12/31
- Senior ad must be done by 1/31
Senior Exam Exemption
- Second semester only
- 80% 3rd Quarter
- 80% 4th Quarter
Golden Herald
- Mr. Woodruff is the sponsor.
- April 10
April 12th at the Hyatt Regency in Sarasota
Grad Bash
Friday, April 26
- Must be able to fill a bus to go. Reserve two buses
- Waiting on ticket prices from Universal
- The price will include a charter bus, early in (4:00 PM), and tickets to the event.
- We will leave campus around 1:00 PM on Friday and will not return until about 5:00 AM on Saturday.
- Tickets will go on sale after winter break
Thursday, May 15t at 7:30PM, Lecom Stadium
- There will be at least one mandatory practice.
- Mandatory Cap and Gown pickup day / time including tickets; must be student only
- Dress code
- Each graduate will get 10 tickets. Everyone who enters, regardless of age will need a ticket.
- Graduation will be live-streamed.
- There will be a form to fill out on the PCHS website in the senior section.
- Still give cap and gown information just in case.
- Will have an adjusted senior fee to pay for diploma, diploma covers, final transcript, etc.
Contact Ms. Dietz at