Leader in Me Moments

  • Dear Parents and Families,

    Our school is implementing a whole school transformational process called the Leader in Me, which teaches 21st-century leadership and life skills to students and creates a culture of student empowerment based on the idea that every child can be a leader. This process is based on the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People written by Stephen Covey. Your children will begin coming home talking about the HABITS they are learning. For example, your child might tell you that Habit 1 says to Be Proactive.  Encourage your child to talk about the Habits and share ways they can show the Habit at school or at home.

    Be on the lookout for “Leader in Me Moments” in our newsletter, on our website and Facebook pages. Please share your stories with us! We would love to hear them. 

    The Manatee Mustang Family is excited to see our students be the leaders of their life, learning, school and community.

  • Management works in the system; leadership works on the system ~ Stephen Covey