
  • Vocal Ensemble (1, 2, 3, 4 Honors)
    Prerequisite: All students MUST have Director’s Approval.
    Vocal Ensemble is the select chorus group here at Southeast High School. Vocal Ensemble II, III, and IV Honors are for 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students who have previous participation in a school chorus, have advanced skills in critical listening, vocal techniques, music literacy, and choral performance. Rehearsals focus on the development and application of these skills and provide opportunities for aesthetic engagement and making individual musical choices (where appropriate) while preparing a variety of high-quality choral literature. These courses have some fees associated with them and require after school rehearsals and performances.​

    IB Music
    *Not updated! New requirements for students graduating in 2023 and beyond!
    The IB Music course is designed for juniors (with prior experience in music) in the International Baccalaureate Program at Southeast High School. It is offered during the regular school day. In addition to being in IB Music, students must also be in a performance-based music course during the regular school day. Coursework includes listening to an array of music from all time periods, and also covers music history, analysis, and theory. 50% of the IB Music grade is determined from a solo or group recording, 20% from the Musical Links Investigation (MI), and 30% from the IB Music Exam in May.