• Peachjar logo

What is Peachjar?

  • The School District of Manatee County (SDMC) is committed to increase parent/family/community engagement throughout the District. As part of our effort, we have transitioned from paper to electronic flyer (eflyer) delivery using Peachjar.

    No more rifling through backpacks and binders to find important information! School-approved eflyers will be published on school websites, and delivered directly to parents/guardians via email. This environmentally-friendly initiative reduces printing costs for our schools and community partners, while removing an administrative burden from teachers, office staff and volunteers.

Peachjar For Parents/Guardians

  • Peachjar organizes important school and community information in one place! In addition to receiving emails from your school, look for the ‘Peachjar’ button or icon on your school website to view all active flyers.

    If your email address is up-to-date in FOCUS, no action is required on your part. You will automatically receive a "Welcome" email from Peachjar with a username and password. If you update or change your email address in FOCUS, a new “Welcome” email from Peachjar will be generated.

    Login to Peachjar is not required to receive emails or view eflyers, but it allows you to manage your Peachjar account. During the school year, you will receive periodic emails with a link to eflyers for your student(s). You may also view the eflyers at any time by clicking the "Peachjar" button on your school website's homepage.

    If you want to opt-out of eflyer delivery, you must login to Peachjar and change your delivery preferences. Please keep in mind that Peachjar replaces distribution of paper flyers at your student's school. By opting out, you may miss important information about upcoming school activities, programs or events.

    Peachjar is used exclusively for distribution of school-approved eflyers. Your email address will not be shared or used for any other purpose.

Peachjar for Community Organizations

  • Community and business organizations may register with Peachjar to upload eflyers for electronic distribution to SDMC schools. Peachjar will waive their fees for one community free flyer every 30 days for organizations promoting a free charitable program, service, or resource where children are the direct beneficiary.  The program or event must NOT encourage participants to join a fee-based program or include the opportunity to purchase products, services, food, or beverages.   

    All flyers submitted for free distribution will be reviewed by Peachjar for verification of eligibility and must comply with the following requirements:

    • The program, service, or resource directly benefits children and does not require participants to qualify, has no enticement for future fee-based programs, and does not serve the purpose of fundraising, collecting donations, or allowing for the purchase of products or services.
    • The organization is not nationally recognized and physically resides within the boundaries of the school district it wishes to distribute to.
    • The organization is not receiving fees or revenue from vendors participating in the event.
    • Submissions are limited to one flyer distribution to one school district every 30 days. If a community organization wishes to distribute to more than one school district or more frequently than every 30 days, the community organization can choose to distribute a standard flyer, subject to Peachjar's fees.

    Community organizations must contact Peachjar at (858) 997-2117 ext. 3 or via email at support@peachjar.com to qualify for the Community Free Flyer Program. Peachjar reserves the right to determine final eligibility. 


    For-Profit Organizations

    Peachjar is NOT an avenue for a for-profit business to advertise or solicit district families. The School District of Manatee County does not endorse solicitation and provides this information as a service to students and their families. The school district is not a free avenue for advertising for local, for-profit businesses. Public schools are permitted to provide information to parents regarding student activities and services offered by not-for-profit organizations. 

    Peachjar charges a fee for this service that is typically much less than the cost to print and deliver paper flyers to each school.  


    Requirements for eFlyers

    Distribution of eflyers does not imply SDMC endorsement of any product or service. A disclaimer in bold type will automatically be added to every eflyer footer stating “The School District of Manatee County is not affiliated with this event or organization.”

    Eflyers approved for distribution must:

    • Be saved as PDF file format
    • Be sized as 8.5" x 11" with vertical/portrait orientation
    • Contain machine-readable text, not a scanned image of text
    • Contain copyright-owned or free clipart/stock images only (No snapshots of students, staff, etc.)
    • Contain the name and contact information of the Community Organization or sponsoring entity
    • Also include a Spanish version if distributing to all schools, or based on the school’s demographics


    How to Submit an eFlyer

    To submit an eflyer for approval and distribution, please follow these steps:

    1) Visit www.peachjar.com.
    2) Register using "Enrichment/Community Org" as your "Account Type".
    3) Upload your eflyer for approval.

    SDMC will review your eflyer and approve or deny distribution based on the guidelines above.

    Please submit your eflyer at least one week before your desired distribution date. Approvals are done every Monday. Flyers will not be approved during school holidays or breaks. After SDMC approves your eflyer, Peachjar will email it to parents and post it on the school and/or district website. 

    If you have any questions about how to get started or want to request a free Peachjar account, please contact Peachjar.

    For more information, contact Deborah Perry-Gambino at (941) 708-8770 x41048 or via email at gambinod@manateeschools.net. 


    Approval Guidelines for eFlyers

    SDMC reserves the right to revoke distribution privileges from a Community Organization if an eflyer is found promoting an activity that does not follow Policy 9700.01 or the guidelines below (i.e. activity described in eflyer was not what actually occurred).

    SDMC may approve the distribution of eflyers that promote:

    • Educational events aligned to the SDMC Strategic Plan, vision, mission, and core values
    • Healthy and wholesome enrichment opportunities that support education beyond the classroom
    • Leisure activities for students and families sponsored by Community Organizations that support SDMC schools and/or the District

    SDMC will not approve the distribution of eflyers that promote:

    • Political parties, organizations, or viewpoints
    • Religious organizations or viewpoints
    • Activities or products deemed not suitable for children
    • Activities or products that are illegal or inconsistent with school objectives (i.e. advertisements for tobacco and intoxicants)
    • Activities or products that would position the District on any side of a controversial issue