Professional Learning

  • The Professional Learning Department is committed to working with all stakeholders to provide and promote high quality professional learning that supports improved job performance for all employees, resulting in increased student achievement.

    Professional Learning supports all schools and departments with designing, implementing and evaluating high quality professional learning for all employees within the School District of Manatee County.  

    To improve professional learning experiences, all professional learning experiences will embody:

    • RELEVANT: Professional learning must be purposeful and designed to meet individual and collective educator needs. Participants should be actively engaged in the content through the use of a variety tools, resources and strategies.   
    • ALIGNED: Professional learning must be aligned to the district’s strategic plan and evaluation system. In addition, professional learning should be linked to Florida standards (or other professional standards as applicable) and based on research. 
    • DATA-DRIVEN: Professional learning needs must be determined from specific evidence or data, such as student results and evaluation data.  
    • RESULTS-ORIENTED: Professional learning must be focused on improving educator practice and increasing student achievement. Consequently, all professional learning should include specific, observable changes in educator practice.  All professional learning should include various strategies of support to follow-up on implementation efforts.  
  • In-service Credit Requests

  • Out of County In-service Credits Transfer

  • Contact Us

  • Employees - use the SDMC internal intranet website to access the Professional Learning calendar and professional learning opportunities categorized by Learning by Role, Learning by Topic, and Learning by Libraries. To access the intranet, please login to SSO and click on the "SDMC Intranet" tile.