
  • The mission of the Legal Department is to provide the highest quality legal services to the School District of Manatee County (SDMC) by ensuring timely and accurate legal advice and effective representation on all legal matters faced by the district in fulfilling its mission of educational excellence. 

    The Legal Staff is comprised of a General Counsel and their Executive Secretary. The General Counsel is hired by and reports directly to the Superintendent. They provide general legal advice and representation for SDMC and for Charter schools, consistent with the SDMC Policy and Procedure Manual. The General Counsel represents the Superintendent in prosecuting employee discipline cases and student expulsions. They also oversee all district contracts, as well as all existing and new school board policies. They attend all board meetings.

    The School Board Attorney is contracted to provide general legal advice and representation to the School Board.

School Board Attorney

  • The role of the School Board Attorney is currently served by Stephen R. Dye, Esq., of the Bradenton law firm of Dye, Harrison, Kirkland, Petruff, Pratt & St. Paul, PLLC.

  • Kevin W. Pendley, B.C.S.
    General Counsel

    Kimberly Anderson
    Executive Secretary, Legal
    (941) 708-8770 x41261


  • Steven Dye

    Stephen R. Dye, Esq.
    School Board Attorney