
    Bus riders are tracked using a Bus ROUTE number instead of the physical vehicle number. Bus ROUTE numbers do not change, so it is easier for parents to locate their student if there is a vehicle substitution. The student's assigned Bus ROUTE number can be found in FOCUS.


Daily Bus Changes

  • The SDMC Transportation Department strives to communicate school bus changes as quickly and efficiently as possible.

    Phone Call, Email and Text Messages
    Late school bus messages are sent to parents using the information provided in FOCUS. Please visit Update Contact Information for more details.

    You may also proactively check for daily bus changes by visiting this page or selecting one of these options:

    MySDMC Focus App
    Download the app to your phone. Look for the "SDMC School Bus Changes” icon under "Links".

    Subscribe to the RSS feed
    RSS 1419

    Where's the Bus App
    Follow these instructions to get the app.


  • Please note:
    Reported changes are accurate at time of posting.
    However, additional last minute changes (i.e. breakdown or accident) may occur.