
    Bus riders are tracked using a Bus ROUTE number instead of the physical vehicle number. Bus ROUTE numbers do not change, so it is easier for parents to locate their student if there is a vehicle substitution. The student's assigned Bus ROUTE number can be found in FOCUS.


Where's The Bus App

  • The Where's The BusTM App can help you track the location of your child’s bus, including when it will arrive at their stop. It is free and available for use with devices (smartphone, tablet, personal computer) that have Internet access.

    The SDMC Transportation Department is committed to providing you with the best service. We hope the Where's The BusTM App makes riding the bus even more safe and convenient.

  • The app takes about five minutes to download and setup:

    1. Navigate to WheresTheBus.com on a desktop computer (not a mobile device).
    2. On the Parent tab, click “Set up account”.
    3. Select “Manatee County, FL” from the drop-down button.
    4. Click "Add Student".
    5. Enter Student Last Name and ID#
    6. Click "Save".
    7. Next, create an account.
    8. After you create an account, you will receive an email with instructions.
    9. Follow the instructions to download the app on your mobile device.

    Where's The Bus

  • Where's the Bus App screenshot

  • Where's The Bus - Sequenced Screenshots 
