Nutrition & Wellness Information

  • The Food & Nutrition Services department is part of a nationwide movement towards health and wellness. It is our mission to help inspire young people to develop healthy nutrition and physical activity habits.

    We are required by USDA Federal guidelines to serve a certain level of calories and key nutrients for both Elementary and Secondary age groups. Menus are planned with the goal of providing students with 1/4 of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for breakfast and 1/3 of the RDA for lunch. We promote fruit and vegetable consumption, and give students the opportunity to choose a healthier option for school lunch.

    Many healthy choices are offered, including lowfat milk, corn dogs and deli meats made with lower fat turkey, 100% juice, all white meat chicken products and whole grain products. We do not add butter or salt to vegetables, and use various salt-free seasonings and butter replacements. In addition, we offer various salads, whole grain wraps, whole grain hoagies and daily offerings of fresh fruits and vegetables.

    For more information regarding nutrition content and allergy information, please contact: 
    Skye Grundy
    R.D., Dietician/Nutrition Specialist
    (941) 7739-5700 x45030