LIFE Program

  • LIFE Program logo 

    Learning is for Everyone (LIFE) is a credit recovery program offered at Harllee Center. Students must be in their 3rd or 4th year of high school, and be in need of an alternate path to graduation. All students in LIFE work toward a Standard High School diploma, and must meet all course requirements and standardized test requirements set forth by the state of Florida.

    All LIFE classes meet at Harllee Center. The program follows the school calendar. We begin the school year with 180 seats that are available first come, first served. There are 3 teachers for the LIFE program, with 3 scheduled sessions each day. Students select one session to attend daily. They are also expected to work outside of school on their coursework. 

    Referrals to LIFE are made by the student's zoned high school, and in some cases through the district DOP department. Referrals are reviewed by the LIFE administrator weekly. Students that are approved for attendance will be contacted and asked to come in for a meeting. It is very important to have correct contact information.

    The LIFE counselor meets with the student and their family, discusses current grades and credits, and makes a plan to meet graduation requirements. Students are encouraged to gain employment as OJT credit is awarded, and is helpful in building a stronger GPA.

    We look forward to working with students, their families, and all high schools in the School District of Manatee County. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions throughout the school year.

    Harllee Center
    6423 9th Street East
    Bradenton, Fl 34203
    (941) 751-7027
    Roy Shaw, Life Administrator