
  • The "Garner Holt Education Through Imagination" program is a unique, specialized STEAM program that allows students to use hands-on and minds-on learning to create an animatronic show. The program is currently offered at Sugg Middle School and Nolan Middle School.

    The program features S.P.A.R.K.-E which is a Specialized Programmable Animatronic and Robotics Kit for Education. The Animaker design process includes the same series of steps that the Garner Holt Productions technicians and artisans follow to bring their creations to life!

    Students work in teams to create amazing animatronic shows by programming independently controlled motors, script writing, voice acting, lighting and sound, set design, costuming, prop making, and more.

    Students discover their interests, talents, and passions, all while practicing authentic 21st century skills that will transfer to many successful careers in STEM and animatronics performance.



    Animatronics Picture 1                          Animatronics picture 2                       Animatronics picture 3